Saturday 29 October 2016

Traits of Entrepreneurs

1.0  Introduction
Business is an organization who consists of leader and sub-ordinate who produces product in term of goods or services. Business is an organization that get profit from their works on satisfying human wants. Business is a part of our daily life either as a businessman or as the customer. It already become one of the essential part of this modern world. Business is not only about a huge company, it also refers to the smallest case. As an example, the public toilet. Nowadays, we will have to pay to use it even if you only want to use it mirror.
Entrepreneur is someone who is working on a business until succeed with intention to get profit besides always practices a strategic plan to keep their success. Entrepreneur and business cannot be separated. Without entrepreneurs, there will not be any business in this world and our wants will never be satisfied. According to Juan Jose De La Torre, Digital Transformation Leader for Middle East and Africa, IBM, an entrepreneur is a starter who creates something new as a business. He may not be the idea contributer but he will make the idea as a reality.
Entrepreneurs are very important to our economy as they will create new opportunity to us through their innovation. This innovation will develop our economy in many aspect. For an example, the revolution of mobile phones. In many years ago, we only can use our mobile phone for basic text message and call. But now, we also can use it to take photos, videos and even use GPS technology to trace someone or places. So entrepreneurs have contribute a lot to develop our life style and economy.

2.0  Traits of Entrepreneurs
2.1  Persuasion
Persuasion means that a strongly held conviction, opinion or belief in someone.  Persuasion will make sure that someone will work hard to pursue their goals. It is not the same as negotiation that two side will agree on something that will benefits on both.

                     Persuasion is about convincing the other side to abandon their                      idea and embrace yours. Your persuasion will works more effective                  if you have influence, power and motivation. This is a very important                  trait for an entrepreneur to achieve their goals.

                                                 Mark Zukerberg

As an example, persuasion is well portrayed by the famous social network, Facebook corporation, Mark Zuckerberg. He was always one of the best students at his school until he studied at the Harvard University. He once created an application called Facemash that was used to rank people based on their appearance. This invention faced many complaint because it was illegal use of photograph and not many students like to be ranked based on their appearance. However, Mark already consider about the application future potential and turned the site into a personal directory for the students to create their own profiles and connect with their peers at the college. It was the time when he launched the Facebook with his partners. The use of Facebook growth phenomenally from universities, college and then secondary schools. Nowadays, facebook had grew into a public service that anyone could access into it. Facebook also have attracted many controversies but Mark remain true to his initial vision to create a website that the entire world could use to communicate openly and easily with one another. He have turned down offers to sell this site that worth often for multi-billion dollar sum many times. He even turned down opportunities to increase the site income to keep the user experience clean and pure. This proves that he is persuasion in order to achieve his vision.

2.2 Self Confidence
Self-confidence means that they have high measure of belief in their own abilities. This is important for each entrepreneurs in managing their business because they need to know themselves first before starting promoting their services or products to the customers. Self-confidence is a positive feeling that you will feel when your mind is concentrating on the success.

This positive state of mind will help you to always find ways to complete your responsible in order to success. With this mindset, you will never give up at your failure because you are confidence and this will strengthen you more than before.  

              Colonel Harland Sanders

As an example, we can abstract this traits from a famous entrepreneurs, Colonel Harland Sanders who invented our favorite fast food, the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Despite all his obstacle in his journey to lead a better life, he never give up and always try harder. He had done a dozen of works to change his life. He only started his fried chicken business when he is 40 years old. At that time, his recipe was the best in the Kentucky which was the reason the government have awarded him as the Kentucky Colonel for his service. He almost reach the peak of his success when his restaurant was out of sight from passing by travelers due to the rapid construction at the place. His business rolled down and he almost broke. But he convinced himself that he will get through it. He then come out with an idea to open franchisee of his KFC. In the early of his 60’s Colonel Sanders had a few hundred franchisees across the U.S. restaurants. This is all because of his high self-confidence. He then decided to sell the corporation to a private investor and received about $2 million cash. However, he stays as the official face of the company and only need to meet the media, customers and employees in general to lead marketing and was paid 250,000 dollar a year. He died at the age of 90 years old in 1980.

2.3  Work Commitment
This is something which we regularly takes some time because of an agreement you have made or responsibility. It also gives priority to ensuring the tasks and work to be completed on time. Not only that, it requires effort and responsibility more than ever to solve problems and to fulfill the satisfaction of the market environment.
Work commitment should always lies within an entrepreneurs. This is important so that they can fulfill the unlimited wants from the customers. Of course they cannot fulfill everything that the customers demanded but, at least they could always come out with something new and all of us loves everything new and updated.

                    Dato' Aliff Syukri

This entrepreneurship feature is indicated by Dato’ Aliff Syukri, owner of a health and beauty products entrepreneur named D'Herbs. Dato' Aliff Syukri has started at the age of 21 years old that he was trying to build his own business. At first, his business sincerity have been harshly mocked and his credibility are also underestimated. However, he still strong and work hard earnestly on his plan to be successful. This trait can be seen in Dato’ Aliff Syukri which he does not like to waste time and only wait for success. It shows when he had only small sum of capital, he did not wait any longer to advertise his products. Through his efforts, the brand D'Herbs soar majestically up to become the talk of the community. In order for a good marketing, he build trust within the customers to achieve higher sales. As a result of his marketing strategies and the trademark, ‘Terlajak Laris’ had leaves a stunning impact on his business, although at first there are people who do not like.
          Next, Dato' Aliff Syukri also create multiple alternative to develop his business after many obstacles. His advertising strategy bring himself on television with styling corporate character. He also tried to show himself by wearing stylish suit to dress up and rather than using his normal voice, he changed to voice 'pits'. His style has become one of the public talk and gives profound impact on his sales. Finally, the commitment and the effort have risen up its name and products in Malaysia. Therefore, success without effort and commitment cannot be anything other than a failure.

2.4  Efficiency Oriented
Proactive or efficient entrepreneurs will act more aggressively in the behavior and actions in the business world. Entrepreneurs have goals, vision and always want to move forward. Entrepreneurs will be more creative in advanced products and services in the business world. Proactive or efficient entrepreneurs also involves finding new opportunities in rural areas of business operations.
Efficient entrepreneurs will have to collect feedbacks, especially from customers and do not wait for them to complaint. In addition, if there are complaints about products or services offered, entrepreneurs should not be quick-tempered but they should be open and receive the complaint. This is because, through the feedback, entrepreneurs can improve their weaknesses and thus achieving success in business. Furthermore efficient entrepreneurs is related to entrepreneurs who act for the initiative of the opportunities in the market, this is the act of taking the opportunity to form a new environment. This action often leads to the entrepreneurial firms to become the leader in the market with competing methods of influence by building new request. 

   Datuk Wira (Dr.) Haji Ameer Ali Mydin

As an example of efficient entrepreneurs namely retail entrepreneur of supermarket MYDIN, Datuk Wira (Dr.) Haji Ameer Ali Mydin. He take after the company after his father, the founder of MYDIN. MYDIN is a well-known supermarket which offers cheap prices of goods as compared to other supermarkets. Founder of Syarikat MYDIN Mohamed Holdings Berhad is Mydin Mohamed bin Mr. Ghulam Hussein. Beginning in 1957, he opened a small shop in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Starting with his own savings and then get loans from financial institutions, he then able to have more than 200 stores including 12 hypermarkets, 18 wholesale emporium, 3 bazaars, 53 mini-supermarkets, 10 convenience stores and five franchises in several states in Peninsular Malaysia. But after Mr Mydin, his son Datuk Wira (Dr.) Haji Ameer Ali Mydin connect legacy as Representative Director of MYDIN.
He is very proactive or efficient to look for opportunities in the market and meet the demands of the market at a reasonable price to compete with other local supermarkets. He also seek feedback from customers to meet the new demands of customers. This is a trait that should be followed by other entrepreneurs.

2.5  Tolerance for Failure
Entrepreneurs are not easily disappointed, give up and accept failure. They will learn from failure. At a difficult time, they are still looking for opportunities. Most entrepreneurs believe they learn more from failure than success. Mistakes and failure have an important role in the learning process of entrepreneurs, most of them reflect and learn from their mistakes and failures to try to get success . Observation can be concluded that the recognition of mistakes by entrepreneurs is the first step in dealing with the experience of mistakes and failures.
Reflection and analysis is important to submit the reasons for the failure. To know the finite reasons that might cause failure and use the experience in decision-making and increase the chance and amend it to avoid mistakes in the future is important. In considers that such errors create a certain sense of ambiguity and emotional stress to an entrepreneur. The ability to resolve this tension actually help to facilitate learning. 

Tony Fernandes

As example Air Asia Airlines (previously converted to Tune Air Sdn Bhd) is one of the leading aviation service in Malaysia. Nearest competitor is between Malayan Airways, Malindo Air, MASkargo, MAS Berhad, Firefly and more. While Air Asia is now able to take advantage of up to billions of ringgit Malaysia (RM1.3 billion in 2014), but the fact that this company is categorized as a failed company early on operating life because of too much debt-ridden. Began operating in 1996, the company was later taken over by Tony Fernandes, namely through his company Tune Air Sdn Bhd. The failure of Air Asia for profit, but debt-ridden becomes a challenge and guidance by Tony Fernandes to start planning his business strategy. Tony Fernandes began to improve strategies to strengthen his business, Tune Air Sdn Bhd. It results in the shortest period of a year, the debt burden faced by the company has been able to be settled. He managed to promote his company in order to reap huge profits and at the same time put forward the name of his company to become the customer's choice of services than other airline company in Malaysia.
Recognizing that the cost is a factor to the failure of previous company Air Asia, Tony Fernandes began to focus on the reduction of business costs. For example, he began buying airplanes used as a business asset. Then, he began to replace aircraft used by new planes after gaining more profits. In addition, Tony Fernandes is also aware that the high cost of payroll employees also inhibit the company's profits. So he began looking for ideas to reduce payroll costs. As a result, he was able to hire new employees who have been dismissed from another airline (due to activity suicide attacks 11 September 2001) at a lower cost. In conclusion, it appears Tony Fernandes managed to make the mistakes predecessors to inspire him to arrange a more robust business strategy for the company Tune Air Sdn Bhd.

2.6  High Initiative Level
High initiative refer to the tendency to familiarize ourself with and analyze situation and then take action proactively. It also means that if the person is a self-starter, she or he can start projects independently or perhaps actively looks for solutions beyond the minimum criteria required.
You will always have the same result if we only do the same things every time. To achieve something better, we have to put more work and try to think in different ways. This need a very high critical thinking from an entrepreneurs.

Tan Sri Tatparanandam Ananda Krishnan

As an example Tan Sri Tatparanandam Ananda Krishnan owns Maxis Communication and MEASAT Broadcast Network Systems. This two companies are the two of the biggest communication companies in Malaysia. Now, Maxis is the biggest cellular phone company in Malaysia with more than 5 million subscribers and about 30% of Malaysia market share whereas MEASAT own 2 communication satellites which offers 30 television channels and 16 radio channels. Tan Sri Tatparanandam Ananda Krishanan also slump in shares of Bumi Armada, an offshore oilfield services provider. The first business that he venture was the Malaysian consultancy MAI holding Sdn. Bhd. He was the founding director of state oil giant Petronas and was a low profile of the central bank, Bank Negara, between 1982 and 1987. There is also been said that Tan Sri Tatparanandam Ananda Krishnan is the one who selling the idea of building the Petronas Twin Towers in the early 1990s to the former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. He start to build his multimedia empire which now consist of Maxis Communication, MEASAT Broadcast Network System and SES World Skies. He currently has business interests entertainment (Astro), space (3 Satellites), oil, power, shipping, telecommunications (Maxis in Malaysia and Aircell in India), property and gaming which is Pan Pools Malaysia.

2.7  Information Seeking
Entrepreneurs like to know how their performance and often try to fix it. They actively seek and use feedback as a way to improve their performance. Entrepreneurs should find information about the production of their goods because of the quality of goods produced is emphasized by the consumer and the producers must follow a more modern time.
Tan Sri Dato' Loh Boon Siew

In addition, entrepreneurs should also know and examine why goods produced did not meet the tastes of consumers .Therefore, the willingness of the entrepreneurs in the production of goods is one of information that can help entrepreneurs produce goods that meet consumer tastes.
For example, Tan Sri Dato Loh Boon Siew go round the name of the individual responsible for bringing in Honda motorcycles in Malaysia. In 1958, he traveled to Japan to travel and saw a Honda motorcycle that has never been used in Malaysia and think might get a good market if brought to Malaysia. Tan Sri Dato Loh Boon Siew has decided to make a deal by ordering 12 units of motorcycles. Tan Sri Dato Loh conducting market studies related to lifestyle and cultural differences in the country. After the country gained independence in 1957, the social trend of the people then began to change. With just cycling to one place such as office, Malaysian when it was introduced on the motorcycle by the invaders before independence. But most of the motorcycle brought in by the invaders is sized like Norton brand which is not in accordance with the size of a small body of Malaysian society. By looking at the socio-culture is changing this, Tan Sri Loh Boon Siew has successfully identify new business opportunities, namely by selling motorbikes small size and light weight, better known by motorbike 'cub'. How this fits the style and way of life in Malaysia smallish and appropriate in the circumstances prevailing at that time.

2.8  Problem Solving
It indicates how good is an entrepreneur is at coming up with solutions to the problems facing him. Problems arise require an entrepreneur to identify new ideas that have potential in terms of uniqueness to resolve the issue and delivery of information. Not only that, it is also a process for producing an entrepreneur with strategies to achieve the goal and innovative solutions.
Always remember that problem arise almost every day and they are also opportunities for us. They always come with solution and it is our responsible to find it. In order to solve problems, we should identify the issue, understand everyone’s interests and list the suitable solutions. Only then you can evaluate the option and choose the best solution of all. Lastly, monitor the progress of the issue so that the same problem can be avoided. 

Mrs. Faridah Zakaria with her daughter Mawar Abdul Karim

This trait is shown by an entrepreneur Fareeda House of Scarf scarves named Mrs. Faridah Zakaria. Entrepreneurship is demonstrated through the issue of survival for the success that has been set up by him in the name of the business performance. He solved it by starting an assessment of each of its business and finally broke the creative ideas and new raise to resolve the problem over the years. He was inspired to produce his designs tiding themselves by registering its business under the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia. This inspiration can be expressed when seeing himself hard to find a lid that fits her taste and position itself as one of the customers in production.
          Finally, the Fareeda scarfs business have received very amazing support which she received hundreds of orders in a day. This is because the idea put forward by Mrs Faridah the director of Fareeda House of Scarf is by making hijab women look elegant and highlight the femininity in them. It has demonstrated the solution of this problem can be mapped to the new ideas and unique from a business and also take the opinion of the public as to put yourself as a customer who buys the product.



Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary is the eighth richest man in Malaysia and has a net worth estimated US$2.90 billion according to Forbes. He was born in Kedah from a poor family. His father was a trader that travelled to Central Asia, Thailand and had settled down in Kedah. When he was 9, he was sent to Johor Bharu to live with his uncle, Syed Omar and study until form 2 only. Then, he came back to Kedah and continued his study until form 5. He never got into university. But, that does not backing him down from achieving success. During his early childhood, he always help his parents to find money. He have done a lot of business even during his childhood, he plant and sells vegetables, sells roti canai, help his father in breeding cow business and then he involved in rice trade that eventually changes his life after that. This success will never come in hands unless he work very hard for it. His inspiring story is very beneficial for us to know so that we can practices the traits he has been practicing till now.
            Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary always practice persuasion to improve his life. He never give up to struggle in order to lead a better life. He never let the obstacles let him down but take it as a challenge to change his life for the better. He strongly believed with his ability and worked hard to prove it himself.
He once helped his father in the cattle business around 1960s. However, that does not last long because of the outbreak of diseases that infected his livestock. It is the foot and mouth disease that occur at that time. But, he does not broken easily by that, he took over the business and start over by selling meats. He went from town to town around Alor Setar to buy unsold meat. He then put some innovation into his business and start packaging the meat and sell them in wholesale. He wrapped the meat with ice and sell it back to Bumiputera traders and restaurants around Alor Setar. He was successful in the business. Adding that the success of his confidence to develop themselves in the business world.. Unfortunately, this business also does not take a long time. He fail but his persuasion to changes his life never let him give up.
He then took other initiative by applying assistance from MARA to start another business, the lorry company which is known as the ‘Syarikat Kenderaan Sentosa’. We can see clearly that he always practice persuasion as after that, he started to involved in rice trade. As we know, Kedah is well known from its paddy field so this has open up a huge potential for him. His hard work was worth it when he was awarded the rice trading license from Lembaga Padi Negara. He also was awarded as the successions of supplier contract government-linked corporations. All this success was because of his persuasion practice that lies within himself.
Next, Tan Sri Syed Al-Bukhary also have self confidence in him. The man who believes himself too, is a person of high esteem and love to appreciate people. Like raising a person's name and give a chance to people who think of the potential to succeed, will equally be able to create a name and be successful like him. Not afraid of competition and does not consider other people as competitors, because it believes in the power itself.
There is confidence in a prominent figure, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, because by a poor family background, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhari had to step into the world of work in his early life, at the same time pursuing the primary and secondary. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhari helped grow and sell vegetables in the market and also sells roti canai.
After finishing school, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhari help his father in the business of cattle farming business but only to see it go bankrupt due to foot and mouth disease. From the beginning of the story he clearly shows that he was always confident in the abilities themselves with hard work and experience have been used to develop its business. After that, start a business to the next level of transportation business.
In 1972, he succeeded in getting permits for four lorries Class A. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar then use truck-lorry to start rice business. In 1975, he established the company to apply for a trading license Shah and rice from the National Rice Board which is now known as Bernas and managed to get a contract for the supply of rice to the FELDA, MARA namesake, Pernas Edar and Sergam Sdn. Bhd.
After success with the Company Shah, he set up a joint venture with two Chinese businessmen, namely Ghiak Gee Ng and Chua Chong Tan. Ghiak Gee was Chong Tan rice traders while the rice millers. In the joint venture company, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar holds a 52 percent stake while Ghiak Gee and Chong Tan respectively 32 percent and 16 percent. Besides of rice, he later expanded his business to other commodities, such as sugar. This business still running to this day through Bukhary Sdn. Bhd. Yearly income Bukhary Sdn. Bhd. now stands at RM250 million.
He also now have business in many other field such as transport, manufacturing sector and clothing.Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhari focus his efforts on areas that bring luck to him to become a prominent figure among the richest Bumiputera in Malaysia. Of the work done, clearly demonstrates a confidence boost to the ladder of success. Therefore, in doing a job we should always believe in yourself.
Besides that, he also practices work commitment to success. Commitments in this work has been high priority in ensuring a task or job is completed, according to the agreement. Not only that, it also demand for an entrepreneur to do better than his common to solve the problem and to fulfill the satisfaction of customers. In order to do so, they must be attentively focused on customers complaint and compliment.
Tan Sri Syed Al-Bukhary is an entrepreneur who feel strongly responsible about his work and do not like to waste time on his hands. This can be demonstrated when he worked from noon until late at night and sometimes until morning. Not only that, the house is also a corporate headquarters where he followed up with the companies and the welfare of more than 20,000 managers and employees. In addition, the hall there is their main meeting room with  the board directors of Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary. This hall is used to held a meeting with the executive directors and the chairman once a week.
Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary entered the business in 1990 to take over and rule the shares in public listed companies and the government private entity, also to assist the abandoned projects that need financial help. In addition, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary also took 30 years to build his business portfolio but at the same time he never looked back. Finally, he reached the success that he had been desired and managed to combine his business empire and share success with others. This led him to be labeled as an incredible entrepreneur due to the success of the business and that he has ventured into rice company, transportation and so on.
          Next, in the 90s he was interested in the field of management and is responsible for making the Port of Tanjung Pelepas in Johor became famous in the world. This has led to success which we can see with the controlling 90 per cent of the Seaport Terminal (Johor) Sdn. Bhd. It is also a success when he earned his first project Tanjung Pelepas Port and makes him as the largest shareholder. His success has been praised by the government for its success in controlling the Port of Tanjung Pelepas. He successfully managed the port to became one of the most active port in the southern part of peninsular Malaysia.
         The commitment shown by Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary has brought success in himself and should be followed by the outside community to produce one successful entrepreneur one day.
In addition, tolerance for failure also very important to push yourself harder in order to work hard in chasing success. Failure in business is a normal thing for an entrepreneur but they should never gave in and stopped their hard work. However, this also means that the entrepreneurs himself, also must accept the failure with an open heart so that they could analyze the failure and identify the exact reasons behind that. This will make us more careful in making decisions as it will affect the business no matter how small it is. Failure in any case make us more resilient and mature to make decision. This trait should be practice by everyone in the business, not only the entrepreneurs, but also its staff in all field either in financing, marketing or operational.
Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary is an entrepreneur that practices tolerance to his failure. As an example, after he finished school, he helped his father in the cattle breeding business. Unfortunately, the business had to shut down because of the foot and mouth disease already infected to his breeding. However, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary never choose to give up and stand still. He take over his father business and start over a new business which is to sell meat. He collect all the unsold meat around Alor Setar and using all his knowledge to keep the freshness of the meat. His business had receive warm welcome by his customers. Thus, this had gave him another idea to expand his business.
After that, he slowly involved in other field of business. Thus, it is very important for us not to fall on our knees in order to be successful. As shown by this entrepreneurs, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, he will always find new ways and idea to continue his journey because he never defeated by the failure. Remember that every failure is the starting point for you to change your life.
Last but not least, high initiative level is very crucial for an entrepreneurs to improve their business to the higher level. High initiative level will develop their business in many aspects as the entrepreneurs will always have idea in their mind. This trait will make us to be more creative and tend to do works more effectively. Hard work is the main thrust in this point since we will put on more focus and strength to our work. We will tend to find more alternative ways in developing the business besides to attract more profits to the business. Entrepreneurs and a high initiative level cannot be separated anymore because this is their key to success in the field.
Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar engage in private projects with Johor Sdn. Bhd. and Johor Tenggara Oil Palm Sdn. Bhd. He bought Johor Port at price RM330 million. Johor Tenggara Oil Plam Sdn. Bhd. was bought for Rm135 million. Through the Johor Port Sdn. Bhd., he was managed to increase the popularity of Port of Tanjung Pelepas. His success made the port name spread widely till they can convince the two international shipping companies, namely Mearsk Sealand of Denmark and Evergreen Marine of Taiwan to move from the port in Singapore to Portt of Tanjung Pelepas.
Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar also managed to establish Equiventure Sdn. Bhd, a joint venture between his company, Kembangan Dynamic and Oneo Companies from France. Kembangan Dynamic hold the company shares at 49 per cent. He also bought the engineering company MMC Corporation at a price of RM3 per share from Pemodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB). Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar also owns 22.7 per cent stake in Malakoff Berhad, the electricity supply company and 20 per cent stake in IJM Corporation Berhad where the primary business is the manufacture.


Entrepreneurs are very important for the cycle of our economy. They have created many opportunities for us to change our life. They created jobs opportunity for us, and they also offers new technology for us. Without entrepreneurs, we will never experience new things in our life and we could never run our days smoothly. Thanks to them that they had done so much for us to feel this good about our economy.
In order for them to success, they eventually had faced so many obstacles that not everyone of us can survive. It takes only the best to endure it to the end and create a success that worth for everyone. This entrepreneurs are special because they practiced all the positive traits that we already discussed in the above report. This is the main key to success for them and also for everyone. This had teaches us that it is not easy to achieve what we want. Everything comes with price and the price to success is to work hard and never give up along with all the traits we have discussed.
In conclusion, success is not only one night dream. We must start from now, from this time so that we can learnt a lot and achieve success in better a way. Hard work is the key to success. All of the entrepreneurs that we discussed, such as Mark Zuckerberg, Colonel Harland Sanders and Datuk Wira (Dr.) Haji Ameer Ali Mydin had encounter many hardship before they finally make it on top of the list and their name is well known all over the world. Their inspiring story should be one of your favorite since it can brings up the spirit in you to always be optimist and positive to achieve you dreams.


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